Thursday 18 October 2007

True story!

I saw HEAPS AND HEAPS of Olympic hoops in Sydney in 2000. Absolutely awesome. That dunk by Vinsanity was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen with my own two eyes in my entire life.

The reason behind this post? Well mainly because the NBA season is just around the corner, and I'm psyched! I'm commish in our Yahoo! Fantasy NBA league again this year.

Live draft happening this Sunday evening Western Australian time.

Can't wait!


Astin said...

Vince can dunk and play in general. When he wants. Shame he's such a soft little pansy of a player who acts like a spoiled, selfish kid when he isn't happy.

Sorry, Torontonians are still bitter with him.

Dillo said...

And you're entitled to be bud. As an avid NBA hoops fan from afar, he stiffed you guys BIGTIME. I'd still be bitter too.

I don't rate him as a player to be honest ... no 'ticker' like you say. Undeniable athlete though.

yabi said...

Update?! =0)


Work?! Bah!!!!!

Waste time here!
